
Mainly older words and pictures from when I lived and taught in Brighton, on the South coast of England. Documentary photographs from a time before teaching.
The archive will develop with my move to the North East coast of England.

Promenade developed out of regular walks along Brighton promenade, responding in particular to the increasing number of people I encountered living in the shelters there. 

Occasional Voices allowed me to group disparate responses to overheard conversations, chance encounters while walking.

I started to develop Following Chalk Tracks just as we had decided to leave Brighton. The intention was to engage with a familiar landscape through the writings of two early 20th century writers, a naturalist and geologist. Although we’re back in the North East, Chalk Tracks remains a set of possibilities that might be developed in the future.

Documentary. Before I started teaching I worked, from 1980 until around 1993, as a documentary photographer. The photographs, drawn from the remnants of that archive, seem broadly representative of the issues that absorbed my attention during those years. 

Salvaged SalvagedĀ is the result of one year’s beach combing on two beaches; Brighton beach on the South East coast of England, and Whitley Bay beach on the North East coast.