Occasional Voices
Occasional Voices is just that, stories emerging out of ordinary moments, chance encounters, serendipity; triggers for short narratives, real and imagined. Continue reading

View Through A Train Window
The train slows; passing three yellow balls in the scrub by the trackside, two close together, the other some distance apart, a chance arrangement he seems intensely curious about.

Stepping Out
Through this train window I see bare winter fields; horses, houses, deserted stations, tracks and pathway; a green fence disappearing into water logged ground.

A Bouquet Of Flowers
Bouquets of flowers, each carrying a card, arranged on the dining room table. In the living room the conversation is halting, awkward. They stare at pictures scattered across a coffee table.

Skimming Stones
A man calls, a boy answers, somewhere in the distance a dog barks. Seagulls wheel and dive silently around Browns Point.

His Red Gloves
Fragments, snatches of pictures, like so many postcards; faded views on one side, on the other traces of ink where the words should be.