
Standing in front of you in that hot and airless room, your frightened uncomprehending eyes unnerved me.

Walking the Dog
Remaining bitterly cold, with raw easterly winds continuing to bring in scattered blustery snow showers from the North Sea… Not the best of days to be out, but the weather rarely stopped him. It’d be,…

Going for a stroll, that’s what we did, come fair or foul weather. The dog needed his walk, whatever. And this was the game. Stop. Close your eyes. Tell me what you hear. The wind…

Low Tide
Picking up a pebble, round and smooth, sand clinging to its wet surface. Rubbing it between fingers and thumb, I drop it into my coat pocket where it will probably stay. The promenade’s quiet today, the small skate park, busy.

On the Prom
Your voice drifts across the rectangle of decking where I’m sitting, between the café and the beach.‘Ok darling. Yes, of course you know what you’re doing, but I just-‘You place the mobile on the table, cradle…

Flying Free
A boy sits on the pavement near the entrance to the pier. He clutches a length of twine, to which is tethered a pink balloon, whipping, cracking in the wind. His parents stand next to him.

It’s cold, and the rain’s set in, but at least the promenade’s quiet, and the shelter should be empty. I don’t bother anyone, don’t want anyone bothering me.

On A Winter Beach
Scouring, wind whipping sand, stinging eyes, nose, mouth. Grey churning sea. Deafening.

View Through A Train Window
The train slows; passing three yellow balls in the scrub by the trackside, two close together, the other some distance apart, a chance arrangement he seems intensely curious about.